KFC – ‘”Mad Mehnat”



An opportunity that presented itself just in time for us to package as the novelist way to celebrate our workforce on Labor Day!

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Every year, brands commemorate Labor Day with a simple post of appreciation. A post doesn’t cut it for the staff on duty, dedicatedly serving people’s favorite meals in KFC restaurants. A stroke of luck in March brought Omer Ali aka Ibn-e-Ali to the management’s attention for his use of rap as a form of self-expression while going about his restaurant duties in a video that went viral overnight.

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With Ali’s permission to use his Original rap, KFC highlighted one employee’s struggles from coming off the streets and giving him a space to outdo his own potential. That’s how Mad Mehnat came to life, ready to be served fresh to audiences on Labor Day. A stark increase in engagement and brand love across social platforms for creating a content piece which gives a fiery tribute to Pakistan’s labor.
